Reiki sessions generally last between 45 and 60 minutes. Please arrive a few minutes early for your Reiki session. Plan on 90 minutes for your first session. This will give you a chance to have any questions about the treatment answered, beforehand or afterward.

Animals benefit from Reiki just as much as humans do. However, it is best for animals to be in their “home place,” where they are most comfortable. If the animal lives nearby, a visit can be made. Otherwise, a distance session can be arranged. Sessions for animals are usually shorter than for humans and a series can be scheduled over a shorter period of time because their metabolisms are quicker than those of humans.

Practitioners are able to perform distance healing, no matter where you or your animal friend are. All that’s needed is a time that is restful for you, the location where you or your animal friend will be at the time of the session, name, and, where animals are concerned, an emailed photograph is helpful (one of you is helpful, too, but not required for reasons of privacy). And, we would like to communicate with you beforehand to understand the nature of your or your animal friend’s particular situation.You are welcome to email this information to The Reiki Well or to call. You should receive a response within 24 hours.
Whether at The Reiki Well, at a distance, or in the hospital or care facility, we are happy to provide Reiki sessions in series of threes. In many cases, one series offers satisfying improvement, in other cases several series may be advisable.

Many people wish to have monthly or bi-weekly sessions. The Reiki Well encourages people to get revitalized and to keep imbalances in check through regular ongoing Reiki sessions, whether at The Reiki Well or at a distance.

Sometimes you want to do something very special for someone. We would love for you to offer that person a Reiki treatment. However, we do not offer Reiki to anyone who has not explicitly given permission if they are able. So please make sure the person you want to give the special gift of Reiki to has given you permission before you purchase a session or a series.