Why Clear Space?
Have you ever noticed that when you leave a house for some time and then return, it can look forlorn on the outside and a little bedraggled on the inside? Your office or apartment can seem a bit lifeless or stale, a bit cramped or else hollow?
After a day or two of living in your house or apartment, or after getting back to work in your office, the space seems to pick up and “fit” again. You can’t quite put your finger on what has changed, but the space actually appears to absorb the life energy you bring to it.
This is the way energy relationships work. Our life energy actually infuses things and affects others (and, yes, spaces do absorb life energies). The darker emotions are part of this. They also inhabit things like houses, bodies, and relationships. But, they can be cleared away. They can be transformed.
What Is Clearing?
When someone clears a room, a house, a property, that person focuses on perceiving the energies of the spaces. People train to do this. Wherever there is imbalance, they correct it. Wherever the energy of the space is stagnant, they open it up. Wherever it is sticky, they release it. Cleaning and clearing is a natural process. It is part of a process of energy build-up and release. Mother Nature is constantly engaged in this process.
Although it may sound strange, such energy is actually measurable. Clearing and Reiki both work to free and freshen, to get rid of the toxins. We can actually feel the difference.
When Should a
Space Be Cleared?
It is a wonderful boost to get your immediate environment cleared of all the emotional residue from a time of sickness, from previous tenants, from earlier arguments or negative thinking. You’d be surprised what a difference such a clearing can make.
Clearing your space will provide the best setting for a fresh start, a giant signal to your body and soul after illness or treatment that you’re ready to leave the world of a sick body and enter the world of a healthy spirit.
When you’re ready to move into a new place, it’s a good idea to clear it, to announce that you want a clean slate. Clearing is also a nice way to leave a place you are moving out of. Clearing also welcomes the next residents when you are selling a home (and may speed up the sale).
If your children have left the house and are now living on their own, you can help yourself get over the empty-nest feeling by having their rooms cleared. If you have ended an intimate relationship or want to start a new one, it’s a great time to have your space cleared.
How Often Should a Space
Be Cleared?
Sometimes in spaces that see lots of visitors, such as counseling offices, clinical spaces, adult and children’s day care centers, schools, or summer camps, it is recommended to bring in fresh energy as often as possible. Clients can be shown how they can perform spatial clearing at the end of a session, a ctivity, or day. More thorough clearing can be performed by a professional practitioner on a weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis.
What Happens after Clearing?
When the clearing work has been done, you will be invited to set an intent for the space, perhaps setting different intents for individual rooms, and you will be assisted in sealing in those intentions. You can also leave it up to us to imbue your space with harmony and clarity so that it will radiate goodwill toward you and any others sharing or visiting the space and be the most supportive and secure environment to live and work in.
How Do I Prepare for a
It is important that any space you want to have cleared be organized and cleaned first. Clearing spaces that house a jumble of things or that harbor dirt or molds will not be as effective as clearing spaces that have been straightened up and cleaned.
Just email info@reiki-well.com with “Spatial Clearing” in the subject line, and you’re off to a good start. Spatial clearing is offered within a 20-mile radius of the Corning-Painted Post area.